I found this photo at the Martha Stewart Craft Fair and fell in love. On the back it says, "1923 Halloween Cincinnati". Somehow, I don't think it was actually Halloween!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Found Photo - 1923
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Benoit Paillé
Benoit Paille is a 24 year old French-Canadian photographer whose series, The Stranger Project incorporates photos that he takes of strangers he meets on the street. See more here.
All photos by Benoit Paillé
via LAC
Friday, December 3, 2010
Just Two Little Things
When I was in Brugge, I stayed in a beautiful little hotel. Our room had enormous, black metal windows that opened up to a stone courtyard. We got there at dusk. The room was flooded with beautiful light. And there were bats flying madly through the courtyard. The room was done in black and white stripes. It was simple but beautiful. This bouquet made me think of that room. I love that unexpected touch of a black and white striped ribbon.
Also, I'm always on the look out for new holiday music. I'm really loving Feathers by Fort Christmas. Take a listen here.
Photo by Poser.