Retro Camera Moleskin Journal Notebook, $9

Camera handstitched onesie, $40

Vegan Camera Strap, $23

Hand Stitched Brown Leather Camera Case, $102

Portra 400 in 220, $12. This is a glorious medium format film.

Foto Leather Wallet by Shop Good, $22.

Fuji Instax Mini, around $65 (Photo by Photojojo)
The SX-70 by Polaroid, $80-200.
Such an awesome camera (it's an SLR! It shoots instant film!). You can still find these around (check out ebay). Need film? Check out the Impossible Project. Photo by Ed McGowan
Speaking of Polaroid, this is a great book, $10

The Rollei 35S. One of the smallest 35 mm cameras in the world. Zeiss lens. It's so pretty! 'nuff said. Photo via BeDesignful.
The Castro Camera T-shirt, $25.
Happy Holidays!

Fuji Instax Mini, around $65 (Photo by Photojojo)

Such an awesome camera (it's an SLR! It shoots instant film!). You can still find these around (check out ebay). Need film? Check out the Impossible Project. Photo by Ed McGowan

- Camera bags from ONA, $279-429.

Happy Holidays!